Understanding Induction Motor Stability

The concept of stability of Induction Motor is very important and vital for interview point of view or from selection of a particular Induction Motor for a given load. In all Motors, the speed drops if we increase the load torque as the power of Induction Motor is constant (Power = TorquexSpeed). For getting a operating point for a given load torque, the point of intersection of load torque characteristics and Motor speed Torque characteristics determines the point of stable operation of Motor. But this does not guarantee that the point of intersection will be stable one. Suppose the Motor characteristics is such that as the load torque increases the speed of Motor increases then obviously this Motor and load combination will not result into stable operation. Thus it is very important for stable operation of the system consisting of Motor and Load that as the Load Torque increases Motor speed decreases and vice versa. Normally an Induction Motor is designed to opera...