Why Armature Winding on Stator in Synchronous Machine?
In Synchronous Machine, the armature winding is provided on Stator and field winding on Rotor which is contrary to other Electrical Machines. In fact there are certain issues due to which we provide armature winding on Stator. The benefits of this are as follows: More Economical: It is more economical to provide Armature winding on Stator and Field winding on rotor. Let us consider a three phase Star connected 750 MVA, 21 kV Synchronous Machine. Line Current = (750x10 3 )/(1.732x21) = 20,620 A If the armature winding is placed on the Rotor, we need three slip rings each capable of handling 20,620 A. Only not this, we need to provide slip rings with an insulation of (21/1.732 = 12.12 kV). The star point for grounding is also to be taken out through the fourth slip ring. Now, suppose the power requirement for the Field is 2 MW at 500 V. Then Excitation / Field Current = 2000/0.5 = 4000A In this case only two Slip Rings each capable of handling 4000 A is re...